Who Are You???

Read the title?? If your immediate thought is thinking about yourself, then of course, right now you are in your right senses to read the whole bunch of words down here. Continue reading “Who Are You???”


Yet Another Chapter

Recently I was watching Transformers 4 (God knows why I was re-watching it). The thing that was not right about this movie was how long it is, that too unnecessarily. It could have well been made under two hours but just for some extended climax, the Director kept on shooting the fight scenes, resulting stretching the movie beyond tolerance levels. Continue reading “YET ANOTHER CHAPTER???”

What If…

What if you would have chosen arts instead of law? Probably you would have been writing poems, or creating masterpieces on a canvas. What if you would have boarded the flight that crashed? What if you would have taken the highway instead of the service road? There are so many such probabilities that we can’t even list out each one of them and analyze the outcomes.
Continue reading “What If…”