Who Are You???

Read the title?? If your immediate thought is thinking about yourself, then of course, right now you are in your right senses to read the whole bunch of words down here. Continue reading “Who Are You???”


Yet Another Chapter

Recently I was watching Transformers 4 (God knows why I was re-watching it). The thing that was not right about this movie was how long it is, that too unnecessarily. It could have well been made under two hours but just for some extended climax, the Director kept on shooting the fight scenes, resulting stretching the movie beyond tolerance levels. Continue reading “YET ANOTHER CHAPTER???”

What If…

What if you would have chosen arts instead of law? Probably you would have been writing poems, or creating masterpieces on a canvas. What if you would have boarded the flight that crashed? What if you would have taken the highway instead of the service road? There are so many such probabilities that we can’t even list out each one of them and analyze the outcomes.
Continue reading “What If…”

One & only love??

_20151102_165505Right from my childhood, MAHABHARATA has always been an epic which never failed to entice me with its small facts. The characters have a permanent presence in my memory and they always come up with some new facet of life. Recently I stumbled upon the relationship between Krishna and Draupadi, two of its most important characters. Throughout the epic, Krishna has been a constant savior of the lady whenever she needs, be it directly or the other way, he was always there for her.The relation between them is commonly known as Spiritual Love. They were neither involved in the romantic relation nor it was some sort of commitment, still there was a bound, kinda love between them. Continue reading “One & only love??”

The Killer… Assumptions

Seems apt for this blog
Seems apt for this blog

Making ASS out of U and ME… don’t get me wrong, I’m not abusing anyone but just trying to explain the meaning of ASSUME… I didn’t find any better way to express my (personal) feelings for this killer. Lemme share something…

Continue reading “The Killer… Assumptions”

The Open Marriage Affair


A few months ago I read an article named “Sanctified Infidelity” based on an interview of Indian actor Irrfan Khan. The article was about the Open Marriage concept (yeah… I am one of the majority of readers who came across this term for the first time) which says that it’s a situation where both the spouses have freedom of having sex (guess I’ve just used one of the most searched word over the internet… good for my blog, maybe) with anyone. Continue reading “The Open Marriage Affair”

Redefining Generations


X, Y and Z are pretty familiar and popular alphabets and all credit goes to our very own mathematics and its various theorems. Few people know that X and Y has its own significance in management concepts as well, mostly known to HR professionals (well… they have to study McGregor’s X & Y theories). It has been an old concept now but still effective and people practice it unintentionally in their area of management. Continue reading “Redefining Generations”

Differentiated Building Blocks

Blog 1

“We are pleased to announce that the goals that we have decided last year have been achieved by us. Thus, I find this opportunity to thank my team who diligently worked together for the whole year, coordinated among them to take decisions which were necessary and compromised their personal life at many occasions just to ensure that we achieve what we desired and continue to rise above others. I am proud to be a part of such an energetic organization and pledge to continue delivering excellence.” Continue reading “Differentiated Building Blocks”