What If…

What if you would have chosen arts instead of law? Probably you would have been writing poems, or creating masterpieces on a canvas. What if you would have boarded the flight that crashed? What if you would have taken the highway instead of the service road? There are so many such probabilities that we can’t even list out each one of them and analyze the outcomes.

No, we’re not going to discuss mathematics or strategies here, but what about dealing with the outcomes that come with our choices. Being a human, it’s natural to go through many options available, then visualizing the results and choosing the best one according to our priorities and calculations. This is a natural instinct of everyone, just that the intensity differs. For example, while playing the game of chess, one player may think 2-3 moves ahead with all the counter moves, while the other one may think of say 8 at the same time. This doesn’t decide that who’s gonna win, but it surely gives an advantage to the player thinking about 8 moves. Similarly when we make some strategy in a corporate environment, we consider a lot of WHAT IFs, internal developments, external changes, assumptions, projections and so on… still it can’t guarantee the expected result. You may still fail. This happens in every single situation of your life, just start noticing now.

The point here I want to make is, it is OK to be calculative (I would anytime prefer making calculations beforehand) or just go with the instinct, neither of them can give you a surety of expected outcome. You may be crossing a road with calculations of approaching vehicles, what if the driver’s calculation is wrong, the accident will still happen… makes sense??

Murphy’s Law says, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” (thanks to Interstellar). I’m not a firm believer of this, I would rather like “If anything CAN and SHOULD happen, it WILL.” A little philosophy here, everything that happens has a good reason behind it, whether we see it or not. So girls, if your boyfriend is an a**hole and leaves you, it’s for your own good.

Once we are at the result and it is not what we desired, I would always prefer to go ahead with situational change of plan rather than scrutinizing what goes wrong… it can be done later. If you are calculative enough, you already might have a plan B, C, D (…and so on) ready with you.
Although it has its benefits, but the problem with highly calculative minds is that they hardly get surprised or shocked. People around me often ask why am I acting so normal when all the others are surprised, but the fact is most of the times I have already lived those moments in my mind and thus already aware of the outcome. Another such disadvantage is such people hardly stick to one plan because they keep on evolving & improvising their previous plans and thus giving a jolt to the whole process. If only they manage to stick to one plan and improvise further only after implementation, they can become successful geniuses. Not boasting, but since no one else ever told this to me, I decided to write myself 😉

I’m not going to write much here as I think I’ve given enough food for your thoughts. If I continue, it would soon become a non-fiction on probabilities in real life situations 😉 What if I would have never written this and kept it within myself to die untold??

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