One & only love??

_20151102_165505Right from my childhood, MAHABHARATA has always been an epic which never failed to entice me with its small facts. The characters have a permanent presence in my memory and they always come up with some new facet of life. Recently I stumbled upon the relationship between Krishna and Draupadi, two of its most important characters. Throughout the epic, Krishna has been a constant savior of the lady whenever she needs, be it directly or the other way, he was always there for her.The relation between them is commonly known as Spiritual Love. They were neither involved in the romantic relation nor it was some sort of commitment, still there was a bound, kinda love between them.

In simpler words or in today’s context, we can quote one relations a connection of marriage (or blood)by either romantics or commitment, while the other is the relation where there is an invisible bound, an unsaid commitment, which is not set by any genetics or enforcement, but steps ahead of friendship… more like brotherhood or sisterhood or simply a kind of love. It’s so much of a deep connection that you can call them an extended family. It has the same passion (or even more) with the best intentions as it’s something connected from within souls on which we have limited control. No matter how much we want to get part with it due to set societal norms, but it finds its way somehow. One always finds a way standing to the rescue (or being an inseparable part) when in question is the special one.

Connecting it with the professional context, lemme start with a few examples:

  • MS Dhoni’s first love was Football, but ended up being a successful Cricket player.
  • Deepika Padukone started as a badminton player, then a model and now she is a top actress.
  • Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) was a rugby player, but gained popularity in wrestling and acting.

There are numerous examples, I quoted only a few famous ones. But if we take a deeper look, we come across such examples everywhere in our daily lives.One office employee (or a businessman) practices poetry in his free time, while the other one tries his hands acting in local plays when the third one is coordinating and managing a friend’s event. There is always a commitment and a passion, playing an inseparable role in everyone’s lives.

Here I won’t miss a chance to describe my personal experience… I got an opportunity to try my hands on branding (by chance) while I have always been a Human Resource guy. After tasting a new flavor, I fell in love with it as it feeds my creativity and vice versa. While being truly committed to one field, I’m committed to the other one with the same intensity and sometimes with even more. It’s all a game of time and situation and I bet my love for either of the two is not going to lessen a single bit. Both will always be on my priority list with the same intensity. Yes… there’s more scope for consulting and of course a cup of tea every once in a while.

We often read that first love is the only true love of your life, but I’ve just advocated that no matter what field you may consider, there’s nothing like one and only love. There’s always scope for more, whether we want to see it or not, whether we would ever express it or not, disregarding the time of association, sometimes the intensity differs while it may be the same as well… it all depends on the circumstances and preferences. Sometimes a short timed intense feeling is the temporary filler while the permanent ones just become a constant, so much so that you don’t even realize that they are here with us. It’s all about filling the voids with the most appropriate substances / emotions which are hard to be found in one package (you may recollect the mythical story of why Draupadi had 5 husbands).

I can’t say a lot about it because on certain matters, the more you think, the less you can write. But many a times it becomes a difficulty to correctly identify the FIRST and the SECOND. People usually don’t have names for such relations, but giving a nice thought may give options like Passion, Second Love, Special. I just call it “Spiritual Love”… find yours.

4 thoughts on “One & only love??”

  1. This is quite right. I second the thought here. You may harbor and nurture as many loves you may like, only neither should come in the way of the other.

  2. Lol… I’ve planned to post something atleast once every fortnight from now onwards. I also have a lot to say which I can’t say elsewhere

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